The most popular online social networking site Facebook is working on SYMPATHIZE option which will enable facebook users to express regret or sorrow on posts. This was told by Dean Morel a Facebook software engineer in a response to a question. One of the user asked a question that it is quiet awkward to like if someone posts that his/her beloved has passed away, so is facebook working on any idea to express sorrow in such situations. Dean Morel replied that they are working on the SYMPATHIZER option which will allow users to express sorrow on a post. They have worked on this option internally but they will launch this later.
Currently there is LIKE option for all posts even if it is death news of someone; you have to like or comment or share only. Now the new option will enable people to show their sorrow by clicking that button. The option will not be available on all posts but only for those posts which will select special type of facebook emotion. This will change like button to sympathize.