Panama Judgement Points Of Honorable Justice Gulzar Ahmed


18.        I may also observe here that this Court while dealing with Constitution Petition under Article 184(3) of the Constitution neither acts as a Civil Court conducting trial of the case nor does it act as a Criminal Court conducting trial of an accused person in a criminal offence rather the Court purely decide such Constitution Petition on matters and facts stated and brought before this Court purely on the basis of constitutional provision that being a case of public importance with reference to enforcement of Fundamental Rights as conferred in Chapter 1 Part II of the Constitution.

19.        This being the legal position, Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif against whom in the very Constitution Petitions before us allegation was made that he and his family own four London Flats and the sources of acquiring all these properties have not been declared, to me as is said earlier, there was a duty cast upon Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif as holder of Public Office to satisfy this Court and the Nation of the country (which being their Fundamental Right) about the true facts regarding four London Flats, which he miserably failed to do so and thus what emerges is that he has not been Honest and Ameen in terms of Article 62(1)(f) of the Constitution.  Being faced with this scenario, the Court cannot be expected to sit as a toothless body and become a mere spectator but it has to rise above screen of technicalities and to give positive verdict for meeting the ends of justice and also to safeguard the Fundamental Rights of the people of Pakistan.  It is thus declared that Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has not been Honest and Ameen in terms of Article 62(1)(f) of the Constitution and thus rendered himself disqualified from holding the office of a Member of National Assembly of Pakistan and ceasing to be the Prime Minister of Pakistan.  I will accept the three Constitution Petitions to the above extent.

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